Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thnx Alot Tony

Ok i went out wif zhenyu,yuqi and tony to haf our lunch at compass point.After that,he told us theres a freaking park near the Anchorvale CC we had nth to do so we followed him.When we were on our way,he told us theres a pond and bla bla bla....so we continued to walk n walk until when we reach there was no park n that pond was juz a freaking river wif lots of milo powder(mud) in it.Then we were like walan eh made us walk all the way here and tony was like"Wad so its my fault la" and we were like of course la.So we decided to take LRT back to compass point but when we reach the LRT station,its fcking closed,so we walked back which is like so far.When we reached compass point we went to the library to read some magazine as well as to cool down.zhenyu"walao tat tony like gay like tat keep following yuqi". LOL tats all in any case THANK YOU TONY .

Friday, November 21, 2008


I Got 213 For My PSLE N Have Veri Little Schools To Choose But My Final Decision Is
1st choice:compassvale sec
2nd choice:north vista sec
3rd choice:seng kang sec
4th choice:houngang sec
5th choice:monfort sec
6th choice:(haven decided yet)

new blog

I Seriously Dunno Wad To Say But I Got A Blog ler N If U Dun Like It Pls Go Home N Sleep la